LATEST NEWS NTA JEE Main result 2021 announced: Five steps to download score card NTA JEE Main result 2021
LATEST NEWS NTA JEE Main result 2021 announced: Five steps to download score card NTA JEE Main result 2021: A total of 6.52 lakh (6,52,627) candidates have registered for paper 1 in the February session. Check result, download score card through the websites-,, By: Education Desk | New Delhi | Updated: March 8, 2021 9:06:37 pm JEE Main 2021 Here's how to download score card of JEE Main 2021. Representational image/ designed by Gargi Singh NTA JEE Main result 2021: The candidates can check and download their JEE Main result now, it was released on March 8. Once released. the candidates can download their score card through the websites-,, Along with the result, the final answer key will be made available on the websites. LIVE UPDATES | JEE Main Result 2021 today, websites to check UPDATE: The result of JEE Main 2021 February session will be released on Monday, March 8, as informed b...