Industrial robots require a hierarchy of their own because while their qualities and capabilities may rival social robotics in ‘impressiveness’, they are so different in their functionality that to consider them together would certainly be an uneven playing field.


Developed in collaboration with NASA and the University of Edinburgh, Valkyrieis one of the most advanced humanoid robots in the world. Valkyrie has been designed with the ability to one day assist the setup of habitats on mars prior to human arrival.
Unique Features: Valkyrie is designed to work in environments too hazardous for astronauts which would allow for the building of safer habitats and colonies on mars.


Atlas, developed by Boston Dynamics is the latest in the line of advanced humanoid robots that they’re developing.
Unique Features: Atlas is extremely mobile and has the ability to balance while performing tasks such as carrying items even when it is pushed. Atlas’s hardware takes advantage of 3D printing. This is significant not only because it saves weight and space but because this results in a remarkably compact robot with high strength to weight ratio.


Spot Mini is the first robot from Boston Dynamics that is becoming commercially available. This robot is designed to be used in a variety of functions including security, manufacturing and delivery.
Unique Features: Spot Mini is remarkable for its ability to manage on uneven terrain in both internal and external environments, an impressive and useful quality for a robot of today.

4. HRP-5P

HRP-5P is an advanced humanoid. Created by AIST, HRP-5P is a research robot designed to be able to assist with building and manufacturing processes.
Unique Features: It is capable of using power tools and handling large objects like drywall sheets. With the construction sector contributing 7% of the UK’s overall GDP, this could be a game changer for large and small businesses alike.


Baxter, built by Rethink Robotics, was introduced in September 2011 and is one of the first collaborative robots. Baxter has a screen ‘face’ that allows it to display dynamic facial expressions to show its mood.
Unique Features: As opposed to traditional robots that require specific programming, Baxter can be taught a task physically, for instance, by moving its hands to perform the task, then the computer can memorise and be able to repeat the task autonomously.


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