The Sky This Week from May 8 to 15

The bright Moon rises just before 10 P.M. local time, so you’ll want to observe fainter objects earlier in the evening. Auriga is a wreath-shaped constellation whose brightest star, Capella, is an easy-to-spot magnitude 0.1. Look northwest after sunset to find it, then skim 10.5° due southeast of the star with binoculars or a small scope to find M38 (NGC 1912), an open star cluster sometimes referred to as the Starfish Cluster.

 Less than 2.5° east-southeast of the Starfish is open cluster M36 (NGC 1960), also known as the Pinwheel Cluster. Finally, hop 3.7° east-southeast of M36 to find M37 (NGC 2099), the richest of Auriga’s three open clusters.


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